Gajanan Sangle is recognized as a Astrology Expert , Numerology expert , Vaastu Consultant & Motivational Guide who helps people to get right direction & take right decisions in their life by providing almost accurate prediction about their health, career, finance , marriage, partnership , wealth, relationships and much more.
In a short span of time he have served more than 30,000 people across the world with his expertise on Astrology, Numerology and Vaastu.
To date I have 30,000+ happy clients that I have served through numerology & which is almost accurate predictions, bcoz your numbers speak everything, only your Date of birth can dictate your personality, character & nature I get a smile on my face when I receive gratitude notes from my clients who got big breakthroughs with my reports & consultation & love to serve them.
Business, Career, Marriage, Relationship, Naming & Personal Numerology Solution to enhance your success.The birth path number, which suggests your overall path in life and place in the world, is based on your complete birth date. It is easy to calculate. Simply add up the digits of your birth data, and keep “reducing” to a single digit.
Most basic needs of human life is Shelter. It’s where we live as a unit seeking a peaceful, prosperous and healthy existence. This shelter or premises( house/commercial space /Factories) is built on Earth and is enveloped by the other elements of Earth,Air, Water, Fire and Space called pancha bhutas.
our palm lines can better illustrate your fate and upcoming life events than anyone in the world. Reading these lines could be a riddle to your eye, but in reality, they are a key to unlocking the closed doors of destiny.Different lines correspond with different destinies, behaviour, and futuristic event in a person's life.