
Perfect place to live

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Choosing to live in the wrong city, may add a negative vibration to your life and can hinder your potential.


Perfect place to live

Many people fail to realize that numerology also can play a big part in where you choose to live. This in turn can affect your health, success, and happiness. Choosing to live in the wrong city, may add a negative vibration to your life and can hinder your potential. In the same way you can use your birth number and destiny numbers to more effectively reach your potential and maximize your success, choosing a place to live that aligns with your birth number can also play a big part in this decision as per “Saag's Systems” of Numerology.

You may have noticed this phenomenon when traveling. Some cities or towns feel uncomfortable and unsettling. You can’t put your finger on why you just don’t like this place. Other places you visit just seem to feel like home.

When selecting a place to live, the best choice is to select a city that adds up to your birth number. Below are the best choices for you to live or travel to, based upon your numerology birth number.

For Consultancy ( “Saag's Systems” of Numerology ) :

  • Your Present full name with initial

  • Your original Date of birth

  • Your Birth time

  • Your Birth Place / Country